One of my most favorite things EVER: playing games in restaurants.
Basically, anywhere with ketchup on the table is free game.
I decided that my old person tendencies are alright with me, as long as when I’m actually and old person, I won’t have 18-year-old girl tastes. But, then again, cougars and sugar mamas seem to be pretty content.
Moving on.
I’m really good and Bananagrams. My vocabulary will break your femurs.
Seriously, I’m not even sure if I’m being metaphorical.
And this is a cool flower bed with the greeting-card-esque yellow flower that dares to be herself. It's sort of precious.
So. I’ve been absurdly happy lately. I just sit and giggle with my happiness sometimes. And then I do the cha cha in my apartment. (no, seriously)
- No, it is not because of a boy (but that’s a fair assumption
- No, I’m not on any sort of rebalancing medications
- No, there really hasn’t been any sort of hallmark in the past week to could act as any reasonable cause
- I’m just really happy
- It’s kind of weird
In additional news, one time I was embarrassed.
The aliens-totally-exist class I take is kind of snoozy sometimes. Not usually, but just on this particular exhausted Tuesday (sitting and giggling really takes it out of you I guess). So I was nodding off next to my good friend Ana as she drew on my notes. Unfortunately, this is nether unusual or all too embarrassing.
At one point during the snooze, my head leaning toward her, Ana tapped me awake and sort of frantically told me not to sleep on people.
Since she is not the snuggly sort, I figured she was talking about herself. With not enough consciousness to even be confused or heartbroken, I quickly slumped back asleep like a grown-up college student.
Later on that night in the apartment, Ana reaccounted to our other roommates the silly story of how I fell asleep on the big bro-man to my left and how he gently poked me to the right where I then slumped on Ana.
In retrospect, this was very obvious and embarrassing. But also pretty chuckle-y. So.
Also, him and his big fluffy coat were kind of asking for it, to be perfectly honest.
I’m not sure whether to seek him out and apologize or just be pretty darn bashful whenever entering the class…
And with this anecdote of my awkward lifestyle, I must prepare to leave on the marching band bus for our football game versus BYU (it's a little embarrassing how much last week's heartbreak has pumped me up).