Ranking high on my this-is-a-problem-that-you-NEED-to-fix list is my superability to lose things. So it was no surprise when I couldn't find my iPhone this morning. I went through the usual cushion searching routine, swept all the nooks, and retraced my steps with no avail. Since I do this so often, I've perfected my technique- a crucial part of which is to not be alarmed. So I wasn't, until 5 hours later of full-on hardcore searching. Realizing the possibility of my phone being kidnapped by intelligent mice in need of technology- and my fast-approaching thai food and comic book date- I decided to venture out in the wilderness with no means of communication. (My mom declined my homing pigeon proposition.)
I felt
really cool.
"Oh look at me, just taking a walk on the wild side, my mom isn't even GPSing me right now, I'm such a mysterious woman..."
After a long day of adventuring and discovering the endangerment of the pay phone species,
I came home to an empty house. Using the landline that I forgot existed, I tried to locate my mom.
"Oh...are you on the landline?"
"Because...I still don't know where my phone is."
"You haven't seen it yet?"
"Really? Have you looked on the counter?"
All atwitter at the prospect of my phone being discovered, I became a speedy demon to reach the counter. Only to discover it had been completely demolished. Seriously. I was waiting for them to come home with the story, expecting something about it either being ran over in the street or smooshed by an ACME anvil. Instead I went on Facebook and found this:
I suppose this was a fair way to respond, seeing as how I recently informed her that I broke my glasses:
Apparently my phone was so wedged into the mechanisms that they had to use tongs and things to get it out. At the scene where the body was found, I foundered powdered shards of glass, hand-swept into a little horrifying pile by one of the feet. To all this I would like to give a big ooooooooooohhhhhh well. And a smile, with a tiny bit of an eyeroll/headshake.
I just bought my plane ticket for college orientation. eek.
I bought another comic today. But it was on sale. So that justifies it.
Due to some hardcore self-pitying today, helping out the high school drum line, and painting my nails all pretty, I haven't made time to read any further than the very first page
Speaking of very intense things,
Nail art. Oh my goodness. The Daily Nail has been melting my face. Her creativity, detail, humor, and geekdom make her and her blog quite nifty. Inspired, Megan used her nail-polish-hoarding tendencies to grace my life and make my nails looks all cool, all while we were gawking at The Daily Nail's unyielding awesome. Whatever Megan touches, it magically becomes cute and decorated. That being said, all of the gross smudged nails are my work (such as the bleeding Spiderman on my thumb) Not much of a finished product, but we plan on practicing more!
On a final and mildly victorious note, I recieved my Young Women's Medallion! It's basically a girl Eagle Scout award, except
10 mile snow hikes: sleeping in comfy air-conditioned cabins::projects involving mounting deer heads and chopping wood:projects involving baking cookies for old people and painting nice quotes on chopped wood.
For reals though, it was a hoot. I enjoyed the program and learned a lot. It encouraged general goodwill out of me and got me goal-setting. Plus, something pretty and sentimental came out of it.
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